Meaning of “History” by Rich Brian

“History” is a 2018 track recorded and performed by the Indonesian rapper and songwriter Rich Brian. The lyrics of “History” see Brian remembering the past events of the life he once shared with an ex lover. He greatly misses the dead relationship and wishes he could resurrect it.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Rich Brian's History at

Inspiration behind the lyrics of this song

A real romantic relationship in Brian’s life was what inspired the song. According to the rapper, the lyrics of this track are about a former girlfriend of his who wasn’t good to him. That notwithstanding, when their relationship eventually came to an end, Brian still tried getting her back.

Lyrics of "History" by Rich Brian

According to Brian, “History” was written to tell listeners that regardless of how “shi**y” a significant other is, you always harbor a strong feeling of wanting to revive the relationship you once had with them. Why? Because the person’s departure leaves a void in your heart, which subconsciously you feel only they can fill. So even if the person treated you badly, you still want them back. We guess it has to do with the idea that half a loaf is always advantageous than no bread.

Facts about “History”

  • Rich Brian not only penned this song, but he also produced it.
  • “History” was released on July 17, 2018 officially.
  • This track is the fourth single Brian released in 2018 as a lead artist.
  • Brian performs in very fluent English on this track despite the fact that he only learned how to speak English few years prior. Brian, who was born and raised in Indonesia, taught himself how to speak English. He was able to do so by watching YouTube videos and listening to American rap songs.
  • “History” is made up of three choruses and two verses.

Did Rich Brian make an official music video for “History”?

Yes. The song’s official music video was published on YouTube on October 10, 2018. The video features short romantic scenes from numerous famous movies, television shows and Japanese anime movies. Brian co-directed the music video and starred in it.


Does “History” sample any song?

Yes. Brian produced the track by using song from the popular arcade game Ski Safari.

Which album is “History” on?

It can be currently found on the compilation album Head in the Clouds released in 2018 by the musical collective 88rising. It is the seventh track on that album.

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